Friday, March 22, 2013

Lap Dog

Sadie thinks she is a lap dog, and "daddy" doest help matters any.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Another trip the vet...

Poor Sadie had to pay a visit to the vet again this weekend. I had noticed that for the past week she's been doing some scooting and paying quite a bit of attention to her rear end. At first I was trying to wait it out to see if the problem resolved itself since she had just seen the vet to have her a/g expressed about a month ago (she usually gets this done about every three months). Something was bothering me though, about the way that the area looked. It looked quite red and raw. After much consideration, my gut (and DH) told me to just take her in and have it looked at before things got any worse. I'd hate for her to have to deal with another abscess like she did a few years ago.

Sunday morning I made the call and got her an appointment for 3pm. We arrived about 15minutes early. It happened to be a "bully party" in the lobby because there were two other pretty Pit Bulls waiting for their turn to be seen as well. Of course all three behaved very nicely, it was the Jack Russel mix who caused a ruckus with the barking.

Anyway, we were finally called back for our turn. After a quick weigh in (60.5lbs) we were ushered into a waiting room. It wasn't long before the vet came in; not our usual vet but I'd seen this lady once before and she was very nice. I gave her a brief history on Sadie's reoccurring problems with this same issue. She suggested that I give the plain canned pumpkin a try to add some fiber to her diet. (I know this has been suggested before but I don't think I'd ever gotten around to trying it, I definitely will this time.) She decided to take Sadie the back for a closer look. It turns out that I was right, my girl was well on her way to an abscess, it was a good thing that I listened to my gut (and DH) and took her in. Fortunately they were able to get the area cleaned up and flushed the infection out. $120 later we were sent home with some pain/anti inflammatory meds and antibiotics.

Sadie seems like she feels better already. I'm sure the cleaning was painful at the time but it probably relieved some pressure and irritation. She smiled the whole way home.

I will try the canned pumpkin and also I may try an herbal supplement to help her digestion. I also think that I may start taking her to this vet for her regular a/g expressing even though they are a bit more expensive; I don't think the one I've been using has done a very good job the past few times.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Citizen Sadie

On Saturday June 18, 2011, Sadie officially earned her AKC Canine Good Citizen title!

She performed just about every exercise perfectly. Her walking on a loose leash may have passed even in an actual obedience ring. She was not phased by any of the distractions: neutral dog, walking through a crowd and passing by an elderly gentleman with a walker. She graciously accepted her petting, brushing, ear and feet check by the evaluator. She stayed put when asked, performed her sit and down on command (though we were politely and gently asked to repeat the down when I got nervous and started to grab for the leash to guide her down, on the retry though I kept my hands to myself and she did just fine on her own).

When we got to the recall I got a bit nervous because in previous days practicing at the park she tended to veer off instead of coming to me. During the actual the test she just started to move off to the right but at the last second she swung around and sat in heel position. Whew!!!

Before I knew it we were down to our last test, the supervised separation. Initially the evaluator moved us out of the ring to the shade of the easy-up where the sign in table was. I handed over my leash and left to go stand behind a near by RV. I swear that was the longest 3 minutes of my life! I was just waiting for them to call me back early but they didn't. I returned to the evaluator to see what the verdict was. My heart skipped a beat when he began by saying that for a brief instant she tried to follow after me (cause for a "no pass") but he felt the test was un-fair because they had moved her so near to a big group of other people and dogs (to be in the shade), and that when the moved her back into the ring away from them she settled right down. And then he said the words that I had been hoping and waiting to hear "she passed".

A great victory for both of us! We were both so excited we nearly ran back to our table, jumping up and down the entire way!

Today I sent off the $8 and test results to AKC so they can send her actual certificate. My very first AKC Title/Certificate! And now at next weeks club meeting I am excited to finally have a "brag" to share with everyone! And even better - at next years awards banquet I will get a nifty little award!

I am very proud of my old girl, she can be a pain in the butt sometimes but then she always seems to come through for me when it matters the most!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

With Honors!

And here I was expecting to get a lecture for not doing enough homework on Sadie's training, instead we got an extra award at "graduation" for her heeling! An award was given to the top two dogs for heeling, Sadie took 2nd place. She was only beaten out by a beautiful Irish Setter who is on his second consecutive beginners class. Apparently it was a close race for second though, between Sadie and the other Bella. Trainer guy (who is an actual AKC certified judge) had to call his wife to come help him decide, but in the end Sadie was the one who got the award! I'm so proud of her!

I was also nervous about her stand for examination but she actually did very well. She stood on command with only a little prompting and though she slightly ducked when Trainer Guy approached to touch her she did stand still and let him touch her head, shoulders and butt, however she took one step forward as he walked away. He said if we were in competition that would have been a score of about 25/30. Not too bad as far as I'm concerned!

Once again she did a beautiful recall, she only sat slightly off to the right probably worth a point or two off but nothing major. She finished nicely around behind me with a small amount of guidance from the leash and she came to a perfect sit in heel position.

During the group exercises right at the end of the sit/stay she started to lie down, which in competition would be an NQ but I'm happy that she at least didn't try to get up and move! Her down/stay was perfect!

Overall it was an awesome night! Sadie did me proud and proved that you can indeed "teach an old dog new tricks"!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A little bit of progress

Yesterday my neighbor lady and I took the girls to the park for a walk and afterward I was able to work on Sadie's training a bit. I figured out that her issues with the "stay" arise mainly when someone is walking behind her.

To work on this I had neighbor lady take Bella and just walk around us in circles while Sadie practiced her "stay". The first sit and down were terrible, every time they got around behind her she moved to spin around and watch them. By the second "stay" we made some progress, she would turn her head to watch them but at least her butt and feet stayed in place.

Actually this was a great exercise for both of the girls. It helped reinforce the "stay" for Sadie and it was good for Bella to be walking with someone else other than me - actually I'm quite proud at how beautifully she walked for neighbor lady.

I also worked on the "recall" Sadie did three beautiful recalls. She has no problem with this exercise!

Anyway Sadie still has a long way to go with learning the "stand" and the "stand for examination", I have a feeling that, unless I get really lucky, these exercises will not go over too well during tomorrow nights "final exam" in class. LOL and I'm sure I'll get harped on by trainer guy about working with her on these more. Oh well. At least I'll have a few months to get her ready for that intermediate class.